Chart No. 2: Placing the Staff of Hermes in the Body
[See Book 1, Chart 2]
(Further illustrated in charts 1 to 12 in "THE WIRELESS ANATOMY OF MAN") [Charts No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
The whole symbolism illustrates the simple fact that through the breath we are linked to the Universe outside. The right nostril attracts a positive breath and connects it with the brain and the nervous system of man. It expresses the 'yes' idea, and the driving force of the mind in the body. It combines the fire of life and the air principle as its activator to mind function. The left nostril attracts and links the airy breath into the negative mind function as the 'nay' pole of the mind and the resisting principle in it.
The central staff is the fiery essence of the mind energy itself, as a neuter pole which breathes or operates as this dual expression of 'yes' and 'no' in the fields of opposites. It is the Kundalini force as a fine etheric energy in the center of the pia mater in the spinal cord. This current descends to the sacrum, and goes to sleep there in the generative function. It is pictured as a serpent coiled, which gives the driving force to man and to beast alike. (Illustrated in chart No. 11 in "THE WIRELESS ANATOMY OF MAN") Below the second lumbar vertebra [L2], where the spinal cord ends, it becomes the 'Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil'.
The Cauda Equina is the continuation of the nerves out of the end of the spinal cord. Here the tree of life, the central axis from the top of the head downward, branches out into multiplicity and generation. Now the One Light of Intelligence goes to sleep in matter and becomes a driving force of motion for expression in generative activity. The self (ego) and force have the upper hand in this field of action when not controlled by the guiding intelligence of the Tree of Life above. This makes the Tree of Knowledge of Good (above) and Evil (self, ego, etc. below). Truly, the serpent power of the mind has descended the Tree of Life and entered into competitive creation and generation in the field of matter.
This is the story in brief, told in the Bible, of the mind energy descending into matter and how it operates the physical body by its dual currents which are the four finer essences of Nature: the Yod-He (Father-Mother) Vau-He (Son-Daughter) principles on earth. These are expressed as four polarized rivers out of the One River of Mind Essence. The Fire, Air, Water and Earth are its four fields of operation in the substance of the cosmos and in man. By it must man live, breathe, move and have his being on earth. Only Soul Realization and God Realization can transcend this necessity in all creation.