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Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 10
- The Five Pointed Star in the Human Body as Nature's Geometric Keyboard of Lines of Force and Their Reflexes

Anterior tension is mostly functional and sensory reflex action from the viscera, plus emotional disturbance from pelvic organs. Posterior tension is usually caused by resistance or blocks in the motor impulses which are controlled by sensory impulses.

Soft tissue work is done with definite directions of lines of force carried through the blockade by a steady pressure or stimuli from any pole. The impact of the directed force acts upon the molecules and atoms in the wireless circuit. It does not have to be an adjustment.

All tension seems to accumulate in the neck because it is the main etheric neuter [neutral] field and the sum total of the return flow of all energy from below upward toward the head. Tension causes are mostly reflexes which must be found and released. Light pressure soothes and relaxes. Heavy pressure stimulates and releases stronger resistance in the current.

That which is above is reflected in the area below, and that which is below has a representation above in its government.

(A) This arrow for directional contact is pointing downward over the sigmoid which is invariably high in its position

(B) Sigmoid valve as a heart reflex. Treat toward inferior and posterior position against the current to release heart spasms.

Arrows on lines or along sides of them indicate the directional force in the contact. This is accomplished by the line up of the fingers, the forearm and the humerus in the exact angle of the impact of energy and held long enough to create a molecular push in the current flow.

All lines which cross over from one side to the other belong to the bipolar brain reflex chain of the caduceus.

Soreness and tension over any organ is a protective measure of the deeper tissues and an extension of the soreness and stagnation to the surface area. Release energy blocks by directional contacts in the line of force.

All the areas and organs which the lines of force pass over in their ascending flow, have their representative reflexes above the diaphragm in exactly the same order as they were passed. So the ovaries and pelvic organs have their reflex in the breasts on the opposite polarity side. Other organs follow in line and can be traced. By the same token the diaphragm has a definite reflex below Poupart's [inguinal] ligament on the muscles of the thighs on each side. This is a valuable reflex to release in spasms of the diaphragm.

Respiration is the first act of life. The diaphragm has a definite superior positive pole - a neuter [neutral] pole and an inferior or negative pole where it can be influenced.

Energy impulses flow downward. The return currents are the reflex impulses flowing upward. These may cross over at neuter [neutral] points and centers or flow straight as electro-magnetic [electromagnetic] lines of force and as gravity impulses. Current resistance anywhere becomes reflex pain.

Illustration Keywords: foramen magnum, throat, head reflex, head and neck reflexes, akash [akasha, aakaasha], ether, sound reservoir, thyroid as governor of oxygen intake, shoulder, superior positive pole of the diaphragm and respiratory reflexes, neuritis, sigmoid reflex, gall bladder reflex, left kidney reflex, liver reflex, ovarian reflexes over the breasts, neuter [neutral] pole of respiration, first rib, circulation reflex, airy region, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, heart reflex, esophagus reflex, stomach reflex, pylorus reflex, ileo caecal [ileocecal] spasm causing coronary heart reflexes, ampulla of Vater [hepatopancreatic ampulla] reflex, caecum [cecum], diaphragm, umbilicus, colon, thyroid reflex, ovary, to left shoulder, to stomach, fire of digestion, reflex to liver, hip reactions to right shoulder, directional force to pubis for release of blocks., pelvic water basin, psoas magnus [psoas major], iliacus muscle, Poupart's [inguinal] ligament, rectus [rectus abdominus] muscle, negative pole of diaphragm reflexes, thighs - running respiratory reflexes, perineum

Book 2, Chart 9 ~ Book 2, Chart 11

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.