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Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Award" 2012

Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 21
- Brief Notes on Diagnostic Signs of the Tongue and Voice

The tongue is the digestive indicator. It is a miniature picture of the gastrointestinal tract. The reflexes from the organs to the tongue are similar to their locations on each side of the spine. The interpretive range is up to the diaphragm only as shown by its retracted, curved position. The tip of the tongue represents the pelvis as an erotic reflex. A thin, central line or groove on the tongue represents the central nervous system. Deep lines indicate poor conditions. Transverse lines across it show interference in energy flow. Acute conditions are indicated by light lines. Deep cracks indicate chronic conditions as serious energy blocks.

Normal tongue

Retracted tongue

Four basic tastes. Each taste bud represents one of the four.















The front portion of the tongue reflects the small intestines like in typhoid, when the entire front of the tongue is fiery red up to one-fourth of its length. The colon area is on the outer borders of the tongue, on each side. Deep cracks are often found on the sides, which means a bad colon on that side and local area.

Mucous [Mucus] on the tongue is a catarrhal symptom. When deep and furred, it is chronic. When it is light and can be brushed off while cleaning the teeth, it is acute but not serious. Giving rest to the digestive system and partaking of no mucous-producing food, like milk and starches, is a great help.

The reflex to the diaphragm is at the top of the curve, with the stomach reflex on the left and the liver on the right side. Pressure or stimuli on the posterior curve has a gagging effect, as reflexes from the organs.

The back portion of the tongue gives reflexes to organs located posteriorly and lower in the abdomen and into the pelvis. Pressure applied on the back of the tongue with a tongue depressor relaxes tension in the lower bowels and in the pelvis. It stimulates natural elimination and has been used for spastic colitis and menstrual cramps.

The voice is like a sounding board. The tone of voice reveals the inner energy that is active. Its volume and intensity reflect the latent energy in the patient. Listen and learn is the key. The particular cries of a baby are interpreted by every mother. Why not the sounds of adults by their physicians? In illness a weak or hollow voice indicates a bad condition, while a firm or a mean one indicates that the patient has latent strength.

Book 6, Chart 20 ~ Book 6, Chart 22

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.