Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune Function - A New Manipulative Therapy

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Chart No. 5

[See Book 3, Chart 5]

CIRCLE No. 1 illustrates the relationship of the top of the head with the bottom of the feet - from the center of the top of the head to the center of the arches of the feet. Chilling this area of the feet usually results in severe head cold symptoms, and in women patients this produces uterine congestion, the uterus being the neuter [neutral] pole in the vertical lines of force with polarity reflexes to the top of the head. There is also an indicated relation between the back of the head and the heels.

CIRCLE No. 2 relates the temporal bones to the innominate [hip] bones on each side. Loss of balance through the action of the semicircular canals in the temporal bones might have its origin in the innominate [hip] and its articular relationships of polarity energy circuits. This polarity reflex is present in cases of ear trouble, whether it can be found or not. The very shape of the ear shows POLARITY association with the similarly formed innominate [hip]. The temporal bones are the ear bones. Motion, emotions and ear-wagging in the animals have a definite relationship to each other.

CIRCLE No. 3 establishes a POLARITY relationship of positive and negative poles between the foramen magnum articulation and the center of the sacral articulation with the innominate [hip]. This is a very vital correspondence and most useful in therapy. In another place in this book the treatise on the Sacrum deals further with this POLARITY relevancy and its application.

CIRCLE No. 4 shows an unsuspected reflex between the kidneys and the feet, on the sides below the ankles and on the bottoms. For home therapy, hot applications and poultices to the bottom of the feet, in the respective area or in general, will draw from the kidneys. This knowledge is most helpful to the doctor in treating acute kidney conditions and even in coughs and lung conditions. Grandma used to apply hot onion poultices to the feet and cure whooping cough by mildly blistering the feet. This is POLARITY application through the AIRY TRIAD OF THE KIDNEYS AND THE LUNGS. Direct POLARITY application would give even quicker and better results. POLARITY THERAPY should be repeated until all pain is gone out of both areas, above and below, and the symptoms are cleared.

CIRCLE No. 5 indicates the line crossing the bracelets of the wrists, from a posterior view, connecting the associated reflex area of the hip joint with the ankle joints. The wrists, ovaries and testes also have a functional reflex in the bracelets of the wrists, anteriorly, just above the hands, where the line of circle No. 5 crosses in the diagram. This is useful in diagnosis and estimation of vital force as pelvic function in pregnant women, as previously mentioned.[1] Curved in or broken lines indicate great difficulty in childbirth, and a cesarean may be necessary. It is good to know and be prepared.

Capacity of any field or organ is expressed in lines of force in its corresponding reflex centers, as their silent wave-length recording, like handwriting on the tissue walls. Knowledge of this is a great aid to the physician in rendering most effective service, and raises the public's estimation of his knowledge and skill. This is priceless information, especially in the field of obstetrics.

The dotted lines along the neck, the arms and the thighs depict the polarity reflexes on the outside of the body, viewed from the back. They represent the outer negative pole, associated with the inner side of the thighs and the anterior portion of the neck, shown as dotted lines in chart No. 4. Both, the inner thigh area and the outer tension blocks, must be released to balance the current flow and eliminate the pain caused by this obstruction of the energy which results in tension in the fields concerned.

1 Book 3, page 42.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.