Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune Function - A New Manipulative Therapy

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Chart No. 3

[See Book 3, Chart 3]

interesting and helpful by close observation of Nature and its function in man in health and in dis-ease [disease].

The third or ring finger reveals the Sun energy influence on the individual vital force, in the generative organs. The ring is the symbol of marriage and union of this force in the male and female aspect, as positive and negative polarity joined into one, necessary for reproduction of offspring. The condition of this nail and finger can reveal much of the state of health of the pelvic organs. Also, the lines of the bracelets immediately below the hand indicate pelvic reflexes, whether strong, weak or broken. This is a valuable indicator in women patients as it reveals whether or not there is capacity to bear children without difficulty. Weak and broken lines in the bracelets indicate obstacles and difficulty in this respect. Ridges or split nails on the ring finger indicate bladder or uterine trouble in the female, also prostate trouble in the male.

The little finger is the Mercury finger and is the messenger of the forces from above. It represents the rectal center and tells its story of energy flow through proper elimination, condition and function.

POLARITY CONTACTS on any finger or toe, and over the local area it represents, will elicit definite response by improved function through polarizing the circuit of energy flow.

HORIZONTAL LINES OF POLARITY flow from east to west and return from west to east again; from the front of the body to the back - as sensory impulses - and from the back of the body to the front - as motor impulses. The function of these currents is mostly automatic or unconscious and is for body maintenance.

VERTICAL LINES OF POLARITY flow from the north pole of the head to the south pole of the feet and return to the head again. Please refer to charts No. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 of book II. These are mostly special sense functions for daily action.

When exhaustion takes place through too much strain or outside tension, then the intersecting lines block each other and the energy fields and currents are in trouble. FOR GOOD RESULTS, these fields must be relieved of the obstructions and correlated through POLARITY PRINCIPLES which may be applied in any or all types of therapy. This, in brief, is the story the hands can tell of POLARITY AND ITS VITAL FORCES OF ACTION.

The blood contains three active vital currents which animate it and produce the circulation which makes it the life-giving fluid to every cell in the body. These three fluidic currents of energy respond to and are the messengers of the three vital centers in the body. The head, with the brain and nervous system, gives the AIRY energy its basic field of operation. It is the airy mind principle and intelligence of the soul which circulates in the blood stream as a pattern energy, like the sensory pattern in the finger tips. It is the 'Word' of life as the ultrasonic sound principle, breathed into man at the time of Creation. This makes him a living human being, the mortal house of a soul.

This energy current is also charted in the palm of the hand of man[1] as the head line, a further pattern indicator of the mind energies in addition to the finger print patterns, and they are different in every person. The head line is the second line in the palms of the hands. The clearness, the depth of this line, its course and the length of it give a fair indication and microfilm

1 The practice of palmistry.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.