Book 2: The Wireless Anatomy of Man & Its Function - A Course in Manipulative Therapy with Principles & Illustrations

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Explanation of Chart 44

[See Book 2, Chart 44]

Four more illustrations from Dr. Buchanan's [1] PHYSIOLOGICAL SARCOGNOMY, with a few additions:

The first head gives more regional locations plainly and should be joined with the other four [i.e. the four heads on Chart 43]. The next three show areas of the brain's sensory expression in fields on the head and face.

Head No. 4 gives the sense of vision in the anterior frontal part of the brain in the intellectual sensory perception area, in spite of the fact that other scientific findings had located the center of vision in the cuneus of the occipital lobe supported by the gyrus angularis [angular gyrus] found by vivisection.

Sarcognomy based its view on the fact that all sensory organs receive their energy support from the correlative occipital organs in the motor area.

General Outline of Correspondence and Locations

The surface of the brain corresponds to the surface of the body. In the superior central region are located soul function areas. In the middle and lateral regions are the functions of the mind; and at the base of the brain are located the natural functions of the physical body.

Effects produced on the body are local and physiological, but become psychic in proportion as the brain sympathizes with the spot. Effects produced on the brain are mental and become physiological only as the cerebral influence extends to the body.

In general, stronger influences are in the back of the brain and the gentler towards the front. The back of the head, the extreme occipital portion, gives power and ambitious impulses. The passions and appetites are below, the nobler impulses above. Faculties and their organic representative areas in the brain are higher as they are of a more kind, loving and spiritual nature; and lower as they are more animal, selfish and violent.

Love and tenderness are a the summit; hate and cruelty at the base.

Anteriorly, above the diaphragm, we find the gentle and refining influences, below the diaphragm, the sensual, sensitive and morbid influences.

The fine sensitive impulses of the soul must also have a representative expression in and thru [through] this unit of the body; otherwise, there is frustration of latent impulses which prevent other currents from their normal course. The whole field of psychiatry is based on this proposition.

By tracing reflex effects of centers and influences, according to this system of cause and effect thru [through] polarity action of energy, much can be done. Energy blocks can be released instantly when found.

The skull cavity is a reverberating, accoustic [acoustic] chamber where ultrasonic soul impacts find their expression thru [through] the brain and the meninges, and reflect and impinge on every part of the body that must express the impulse as action, or transform it back into a centripetal current going back into the center as ideas or patterns of mind and consciousness. The anterior part of the brain and the body is mostly a sensory field. The posterior half is pre-eminently motor in its function. The superior portion of the brain is the neuter [neutral] spiritual pole.

1 Dr. Joseph Rodes Buchanan (1814-1899), an American physician and physiologist who is also credited with coining the term "psychometry" (soul measuring).


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.