Book 2: The Wireless Anatomy of Man & Its Function - A Course in Manipulative Therapy with Principles & Illustrations

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Explanation of Chart 43

[See Book 2, Chart 43]

These four drawings are from Dr. J. R. Buchanan's [1] PHYSIOLOGICAL SARCOGNOMY, 1891, with a few additions, showing areas in the head and brain which are positive control areas for body regions thru [through] brain functions. As such, they have a reflex capacity of suffering thru [through] the interference of the return currents from the lower poles.

These areas of influence were established by careful research, nerve tracing, and reflex effects, also by electrical and other psychometric tests by the early pioneers.

When giving cranial treatments, or molding of the head and neck, etc., these are the real factors and currents involved by polarity, not the mere solid head bones and the effort to position them. The effect is primarily in the energy field thru [through] the induced currents in the meninges and their relaxation and balance, rather than purely physical. The head areas given here definitely affect those regions below when stimulated. In this manner, all cranial and facial bone molding can be done intelligently and effectively. The head and brain as the positive pole contain the pattern and energy supply for all parts thru [through] the wireless currents and the nervous system.

In general, the superior part of the brain corresponds to the upper portion of the body; the basilar portion to the lower half. The lateral ventricles correspond to the upper part of the waist; the base of the brain to the lower end of the trunk, the sacrum specifically.

Dense structures are moved by finer and more sensitive tissues of nerves and endothelial membranes, like the coverings of the brain and spinal cord, the meninges. These are the membranous representatives of the whirling currents around the core and softer structures of the brain and spinal cord. As such, they are central factors in health and disease.

Bones, connective tissues, and muscles were formed by the energy current patterns for their protection and movement in space as a unit. As such, these structures are a protection, or a grave for the finer impulses of the soul's energies. Elasticity expresses co-operation to the currents. Stiffness and rigidity show the lack of cellular vibratory response to the vital force.

The brain is the House of Representatives for every structure and function in the body. It is the crown of creativeness from which all energy proceeds and must return in order to register as consciousness and experience in life.

1 Dr. Joseph Rodes Buchanan (1814-1899), an American physician and physiologist who is also credited with coining the term "psychometry" (soul measuring).


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.