Youth Posture for Balance & Elasticity
and tension. And again it is said, "A little child shall lead them."[1] This can be literally applied. We all seek the freedom of the felicity of childhood and the naturalness of that way of Life. But we fail to adopt even one of the measures of exercise taken by the children of Life, whom we envy in their natural glee and radiance of Life's Energy Currents.
Happiness comes from within outward and rests in the love and security of the child in its dependence on its parents. As children of God, could not grown-ups have the same faith and love toward their Creator? The simplicity of Life as seen in children eliminates mental conditioning. Life has its own path and it is not that of the mind and its calculations. Faith, hope, love and humility are spiritual qualities and are not products of our mind but rather are a heritage of the soul, the great gifts of eternal verity from the all-beneficent Creator.
Possessions and toys are but occupations for the mind and its exercise, which do not add one iota to the lasting happiness of children or grown-ups. When a child is hungry or wants love, help or attention, it leaves all its toys and runs to mother or father. Could not all the grown-ups in this "Kindergarten of Life" adopt the same procedure of natural, soulful living, regardless of creeds? Is there any religion which does not advocate the practice of simple spiritual principles in daily life? Since health is a natural sequence of a balanced life, it cannot be neglected if we wish to be free and enjoy life to the fullest as real children of God.
There are a few things which we ourselves must do daily to keep in tune with Life and its waves of radiance, broadcasting from centers within our being and from the cosmos outside. If our mind energy and attention are too much occupied with toys and outer things which change daily, then we lose that fine touch with our inner Life and its loving care and radiance gained by "dwelling under the wings of the Almighty."[2] Therefore, all grown-ups should consciously walk with God every hour and with every breath, and all will be given unto them. The mind becomes harsh and dominant when we forget
1 Isaiah 11:6
2 Psalm 91:1