Latent Energy Fields in the Body
accomplish, plus the improved energy flow of the life forces which must reach the brain for its vital function?
The negative pole does support the positive, even as woman sustains man in his finer emotional life and creativeness. Without that there would be no creation or even mental brilliance or inspiration from life's Source within. The latent energy fields in the body present a definite and new approach to the problem of the circulation of the energies in the body, conducted or wireless, which are essential to our well-being.
The body as a whole consists of two opposite ends and a middle, which are polarity fields with polarity functions, relationships and subdivisions. Zone Therapy in its field of amazing reactions could never be explained otherwise and make sense. If the good Doctor Fitzgerald[1] had known this scientific fact behind the marvelous results he obtained, Zone Therapy would rank among the accepted discoveries in the healing arts of today. But for lack of a true principle as a foundation, a fine art was lost to the majority of the profession, and its benefits were lost to the public. Opposite poles are fields over which energy travels and functions. Electricity, chemistry and the magnetic field prove it as a purely practical science now. But to extend that idea to other living fields and functions has found little favor in the healing art for the benefit of man.
To link posture or exercise to the energy fields in the body and their functional improvement is a new and startling idea within the Western healing arts that I have presented in the book, The Wireless Anatomy of Man. The foundation is laid, which may be accepted many years hence as a fact and a part of the healing arts. However, those who are interested may prove it to themselves NOW in this simple application of a posture-stretch which is unique in its effect, and sound in the deeper principles of life and energy-flow. There must be pioneers for every new idea, or our world would stagnate and become utterly uninteresting.
1 William H. Fitzgerald (1872-1942), an American otolaryngologist who founded the practice of Zone Therapy in the United States. Zone Therapy is a precursor to modern Reflexology. It began as a way of using pressure to control pain, but its application soon grew to treat causes and conditions of ailments as well.