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Latent Energy Fields in the Body

yes. In the pelvis, the negative pole of the body where all the driving force is pent up like a coiled spring, a release needs to be found which equalizes this tension without force or waste of vital energy. The downward eliminative functions of Nature must be stimulated in order to give clearance for the currents' return to the head, the positive pole.

Vital force has its base in the sacrum, which is the motor force in the pelvis. The rest of the body can share this vitality only if its currents are flowing over the body in normal circuits of finer energy waves. If it is wasted or blocked in its circulation, the body's entire vital economy suffers and ill health is the result! Vital force is the motor and elixir of life for which there is no substitute anywhere. There are millions of seekers like Ponce de Leon,[1] but the answer remains hidden from external search alone.

A house rests on its foundation. So does the structure of life in both man and woman rest on the vital force located at the base of the body, the pelvis. Its tissues are vital, and even the bony structure and articulations are fundamentally important for all motion, action and well-being. Many ills and pains which are the despair of physicians originate in the pelvis. Just mention a sacroiliac lesion, a lower back pain or sciatica, and few insurance companies will accept the risk or continue to provide health coverage.

Yet how much time or attention or effort of inquiry do we give this vital subject of our life? How much time are we willing to give it now, regularly, when we have found a way to gain daily benefits and improve our health? Only a few minutes several times a day are needed, but regularly! It is not an easy posture for Westerners to take, although it is in everyday use in the Orient. And because it has been so thoroughly neglected, the need is even greater and the results are truly astonishing. It is a challenge to our integrity to keep well and to make a regular effort in assisting Nature to do so. If external cleanliness is said to be next to Godliness, what could real internal cleanliness

1 Juan Ponce de Leon (1474-1521), a Spanish explorer and conquistador. He was the first European to explore Florida while searching for the legendary Fountain of Youth.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.