Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further Explorations of Polarity Principles & Techniques

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Explanation of Chart No. 7

Chart No. 7 depicts Creation, complete in the field of ideation, of mind patterns and blueprints. It is said to be Kether [Keter] the Crown in the Cabala [Kabbalah, Kabala]. All other things are expressions of it as reflections or radiations, as shown in Chart No. 8.

The first creation is complete in this ideal world of mind and intelligence. To bring it down to earth, its vibrations are slowed down to where it becomes less conscious as emotional fields of subconsciousness with less light and awareness. This is the etheric realm or astral, starry region of our sky or heaven of the pure mind essence. The sun and moon energies operate in this sphere of subconsciousness.

The physical realm is the third precipitation by means of further crystallization and density through lesser vibratory impulses than above. The Superior creates and enlivens the inferior regions and worlds. It sustains them by its finer Energy Essence, out of which they are made or precipitated.

Vitality is the root and substance of all appearance and action. Without it there would be nothing. It is difficult for the mind to conceive the finer Realities which form the pattern of Life itself. Mind is more concerned with things and patterns of variety because that is its nature and origin in the ideal world of creation. So the mind cannot be happy as long as it concerns itself with the things of this world exclusively or predominantly. It flits from one thing to another in its search for happiness, but cannot find it in things of this world. It is only when the mind is ruled by the soul qualities of FAITH, HOPE, CHARITY, HUMILITY, LOVE, SERVICE AND UNDERSTANDING that the higher mind can function and eventually reach its true home. Then it will find the REAL PEACE AND HAPPINESS that it is now hopelessly seeking in material things and relationships.

Following this blueprint pattern of the Ideal made real, we place man as a whole into the head and see what relation the expression has to the pattern origin. Art becomes an actuality in this process of comparison and placement. Only thoughtfulness and application can give it its true value as a living pattern of expressing the Ideal.

Its relationship for diagnosis from the face and head is very helpful, by lines of facial expression, by color and texture of the tissues in these areas; also as contact poles for Vitality Balancing of the body.

Many more comparisons than are shown in this chart are possible, but it would be confusing to the mind. To illustrate a few,


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.