Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further Explorations of Polarity Principles & Techniques

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Balancing Spinal Nerve Impulses

Parasympathetic impulses must flow into and work in conjunction with the Sympathetic, in order to work at all; for it is the Parasympathetic system that expresses balance and conscious mind impulses, and conveys them to the Sympathetic system.

What are mental frustrations? Parasympathetic or cranial impulses that could find no expression or response in the Sympathetic system and the organs it controls. Emotional frustrations are sympathetic and heart center impulses which are suppressed by the conscious mind impulses of the Parasympathetic System.

What is shock? A forceful shutting off of a current or impulse that flows in the body - or, a sudden impact of energy or matter, from the outside, upon the body, which suddenly shuts off the flow of energy for an instant. This can be physical or mental; for mind is energy, and the soul is the Source of that energy. A mental shock is as real as a physical jolt - and more dangerous because it goes deeper. An injury to physical tissue repairs with time and rest, while mental injuries require a new vision and viewpoint.

What is pain? It is also an inhibited impulse that cannot flow in its natural path of lines of force. A physical break also illustrates this point. However, there are mental, emotional and physical breaks, injuries and suppressions in their substances or fields.

A gentle pressure on the spinous process reveals the spinous tenderness or tension. The tender tip of a spinous process indicates an aggravation in the interspinal membranes. This is a positive hyperemic symptom of a vertebra in distress through excessive movement. It is caused by a lack of function (an energy block) of the vertebrae above and below it. These are fixed and inactive in their normal range of motion, which throws all the load of action on the one located in between the inactive vertebrae.

The correction lies in the simple procedure of local pressure on the fixed vertebrae, against the greatest resistance to movement by that particular vertebra. The stimulation to the vertebrae, one at a time; that is to the one above and to the one below the over-active one, acts as a positive motion or charge to balance the local negative polarity. It also acts as a physiological stimulus which releases tension.*

* The entire spine can be balanced that way, in its local plus and minus areas and functions. In this simple manner, the hypersensitive area of excess function can be balanced with the negative polarity action of the minus function in the fixed vertebra above and the fixed vertebra below the over-active one.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.