Chart No. 2: Structural Balance
This chart portrays the geometric relationship of the entire spinal column, as well as the two head bones, with the coccyx and the sacrum. The correlation of the upper five cervical vertebrae [C1, C2, C3, C4, C5] with the five lumbar vertebrae [L1, L2, L3, L4, L5] for the purpose of adjustment is not new. Also the occiput and the sacral association was well figured out and tested by Dr. Major DeJarnette[1] many years ago. But the relationship of the SPHENOID BONE WITH THE COCCYX is a NEW ADDITION to the group, as well as that of the 6th and 7th cervicals [C6, C7] with the 12th and 11th dorsal [thoracic] vertebrae [T12, T11]. The correlation of the 1st [T1] and the 10th [T10] dorsal [thoracic] is also an additional new viewpoint for consideration and proof by tests.
Geometric proportion and relationship is the basis for every one of the correspondences given here, FOR STRUCTURAL CORRECTION by means of POLARITY application, without adjusting.
A firm contact is made on the sorest area of the vertebra above, on one side or on both sides, with a double contact and held with the same contact below with the other hand, on the exact corresponding vertebra shown in this chart. In case of lack of tone a stimulating [rajas, moving, rocking] contact is used. (See Chart No. 15)
THE FUNCTIONAL EFFECT IS EVEN GREATER THAN THE STRUCTURAL RESPONSE! It is amazing what can be done with it even while sitting on an ordinary kitchen chair when making the contacts. The neck relaxes and the digestion responds at once by eructations [belches] and by relief of soreness and tension in digestive conditions.
Forty five years ago we were taught to twist the body and adjust the vertebrae by force, while sitting up in this position. That theory was based upon bony position and nerve pressure rather than VITAL ENERGY RESPONSE through the subtle connection of wireless waves which built the five senses and the five fields in the body.
These vital relationships of POLARITY ENERGY fields and end polarity correlation through the geometric poles of current end areas as Superior, Middle and Inferior, were not even suspected. Nor were the five fields and functions distinguished or classified thus, through a vital process of relationship of waves from the center to the circumference WHERE THE CENTER COULD BE INFLUENCED THROUGH EXTERNAL BALANCE ESTABLISHED BETWEEN TWO POLES.
In nerve tracing or as nerve currents, yes, that has been well covered. BUT UPON THE BASIS OF FUNCTIONAL ENERGY RELATIONSHIP, through solids, liquids, gases and heat, as a kind of wave length without wires, that still seems difficult for most people
1 Major B. DeJarnette (1899-19920), an American chiropractic doctor who developed the Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) for chiropractors. "Major" is his given name, not a military title of rank.