Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune Function - A New Manipulative Therapy

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Chart No. 21

[See Book 3, Chart 21]

The patient sits on a chair or on the treatment table. The doctor stands or sits behind the patient and places both hands directly above the innominate crest [iliac crest], on the soft tissues of the sides of the body. The fingers dig in, in front, over the groin, with a gentle lifting motion to stimulate the cecum [caecum] and sigmoid area as shown in figure 1. The thumbs grip the lateral muscles in the back to balance the hand. They also contact the transverse process of the lumbar region, pushing forward in a gentle rocking motion as shown in figure 2. The contact can be moved higher and lower, up and down the spine, accompanied by a gentle, rhythmic rocking motion which helps to expel the gas.

This may be continued as long as the gases in that area can be moved for expulsion. Then change to another location for release. Gas accumulates in pockets and must be located and released from each stagnant pool. It takes time and effort to gather and release these stray bubbles in tissues. But the relief obtained by the patient is well worth the effort.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.