Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune Function - A New Manipulative Therapy

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Chart No. 17

[See Book 3, Chart 17]

FIGURE 1: The specific polarity reflex for the neck is in the neuter [neutral] pole of the hands, between the thumbs and the first fingers, in its horizontal representation, as shown in chart No. 3 in this book. Find the sore spot in this area on both hands and hold firmly with both hands for one minute, as a bipolar contact.

Then, with one hand, hold the spot which is the sorest, corresponding to the throat reflex on that side; and, with the other hand, contact the real, positive, tender spot under the jaw, directly above the irritation. Hold both contacts simultaneously for relaxation and polarization as shown in figure 3 for the jaw contact and figure 1 for the hand contact.

It is well to begin the polarization by holding both toes for one minute, to balance the two sides of the body.

Upper dorsal [thoracic], motor reflexes should also be inhibited or adjusted.

The negative polarity reflexes may be found along the inside of the tendon of the big toe and held firmly as shown in figure 2. But, if this is a digestive major reflex, the negative point will be found in the middle toe and the middle finger tip as a reflex to the upper pole, and the first joint of the second finger as the neuter [neutral] pole polarity reflex. Treat the affected side by holding the toe joint with firm pressure with one hand and the other hand over the stomach or liver area, or a jaw contact as shown in figure 3. The toe and the jaw are opposite poles for the central balance, and may be held simultaneously as shown in the combination of figures 2 and 3.

Throat reflexes which cause rhinitis and watery eyes can be successfully treated in this way. This may also be a neuralgic symptom, but the background is a digestive irritation of the mucous membranes. Highly spiced or seasoned foods, or a sudden chill may bring on the symptoms. However, merely stopping the irritation by not taking these foods will not clear the UPSET ENERGY FIELDS of their dis-organized [disorganized] polarity in the current flow and this results in recurring irritation.

This is the doctor's field as a balancer of the subtle energy currents. Polarity energy discord is the background of the external physical symptoms. The latter are but the effects of these hidden causes of electromagnetic imbalance of active forces in that field.

Dr. Samuel Hahneman[1] based his entire Homeopathy on this finer observation in his medical practice. Repeatedly, he mentioned the fact that illness is really due to the action of the life spirit, and not to the physical organs of the body.

The alchemists, like Paracelsus[2], had a similar viewpoint. Paracelsus also hammered forcefully on the idea of the finer forces in Nature and in man. He used similars in Nature which had this particular energy in them. This he most likely brought with him from the Orient, where he wandered from the year 1513 to 1521, for it is exactly as the Ayruvedic [Ayurvedic] Medicine of India taught it. In Arabia, no doubt, he found the Thaumaturgic ideas which used the similars in animals, like the vitamins and glandulars which are extracted from them in present-day practice.[3] But Paracelsus emphasized the ENERGY POTENTIAL more than the chemistry. Yet he gave a powerful impulse to the study of chemistry in Europe in his time and thereafter. He preferred a living chemistry of energies, called alchemy, to the mere material one used now. The alchemist always deals with Life and its ENERGIES in all his research, observation and practice.

1 Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician and founder of homeopathic medicine.
2 Paracelsus, born Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim (1493-1541), a German-Swiss doctor, alchemist, botanist, astrologist and occultist.
3 An aspect of the practice of zootherapy. 21st century zootherapy focuses more on animal-assisted therapy than medicinal extractions.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.