Chart No. 16
[See Book 3, Chart 16]
The contact shown in figure 1 is for polarizing the innominate [hip], the temporal and occipital bones on the left side.
For giving this treatment the doctor stands at the head of the table, to the left side of the patient. The left hand, with three curved fingers, makes a contact directly behind the ear, on the temporal bone and occipital base. The thumb and the little finger are free because they do not fit the precise contact here. The right hand is laid on the left innominate [hip] bone and held steady. A slight traction is used for the active contact between the two points and can be held steadily for about one minute for relaxation, or vibrated for one minute if stimulation is desired.
This treatment is definitely indicated in all cases of ear trouble as well as hip pain, distortions and posteriorities. It POLARIZES AND RELEASES both regions for further correction.
The temporal bone is the positive pole of the innominate [hip] bone, as illustrated in chart No. 13, figure 1, in this book; also in circle 2 of chart No. 5 in this book.
Figure 2: Manipulating the umbilicus against the tension field, and polarizing the abdominal pole of the fiery power of digestion, with the supra-orbital [supraorbital] notch contact for eye strain and tension on either side; a very effective treatment when the congestion or block is there.
A bipolar contact is also possible over the bridge of the nose, with slight lateral and upward movement, together with the umbilical contact with the other hand.
The eyes and the stomach are opposite poles. Proverbially, the eyes are bigger than the stomach and its digestive capacity. Spots before the eyes are also due to liver and gall bladder upsets, when the fire of digestion is overloaded and blocks occur which act as flickers and shutters to the center of vision, the positive pole of the Fire Principle [Yang1] in the body. Digestion is its neuter [neutral] pole.
1 To alleviate confusion between the Three Principles (Fire, Water and Air) and the Five Elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth), many Polarity practitioners refer to Dr. Stone's "Fiery Principle" as "Yang," his "Watery Principle" as "Yin," and his "Airy Principle as "Neutral" or "Tao." See The Three Principles and Five Elements for more information.