Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune Function - A New Manipulative Therapy

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Chart No. 9

[See Book 3, Chart 9]

Pains in the long bones ordinarily indicate anemia, exhaustion, lymphatic stasis or lack of vitamin C, calcium, manganese or sodium; however, the periodic recurring pains in the arms or legs, especially at night, are usually due to neuralgia. The pains come and go. They usually come on after the body has been exposed to the least chill or slightest draft. Even at night the pains continue like in rheumatism.

A poor digestion is the background of these symptoms. In such cases gas is present in the legs or arms, which allows but a moderate circulation. The least amount of draft stagnates the gases and neuralgic type pains appear.

The old-time remedy for this was warmth by wearing woolens and red flannels. Heat or warmth tends to alleviate the pain, and may be applied in the nature of a heat lamp or electric pad, or hot vinegar and water compresses, etc. A counter-irritant like Capsicum, hot mustard or horseradish plasters are old-fashioned remedies. They give relief but do not correct the cause. The function of the liver, gall bladder and digestion in general must be improved in order to overcome this hypersensitiveness and recurring tendency to congestion. This may easily be done by the application of POLARITY THERAPY.


In the case of soreness in the shin bone, the doctor stands on the opposite side of the leg he wants to treat so he can better contact the inside of the leg with the grip of the thumb and fingers in a firm kneading twist of the hands on the knee and thigh, in opposite directions.

FIGURE 1: The thumb and fingers of the doctor's left hand cover and firmly hold the tendons and muscles of the inner side of the thigh with an outward rotational move. The right hand makes firm gripping contacts anywhere below the knee, with an inward twisting motion.

FIGURE 2: When treating the left leg, the doctor's left hand is gently placed on the left side of the pubis in a lifting, vibrating, upward directional move. The right hand grips and kneads the calf muscles in an outward twisting motion.

FIGURE 3: While the thumb and fingers of the doctor's right hand grip the thigh muscles firmly in an upward vibrational move with an outward twisting hold, the left hand lifts the abdominal tissue over the umbilicus in a gentle grip and holds it for one minute.

These contacts are repeated until the release of obstructions is assured. When treating the right leg, the doctor stands on the left side of the table. The procedure is the same.

This and other Polarity Applications may be concluded by polarizing the head of the patient from side to side and diagonally, from the anterior to the posterior. For this the doctor stands at the head of the table, using one hand on each side where soreness is found.

If the pain in the bones is too severe and has been present for a long time, it may be necessary to apply leeches over the area and on the calves of the legs to withdraw the stagnant blood which is loaded with gases and waste products and thus enable fresh blood to circulate. For this application, see chapter on "Leeches" in this book.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.