Book 2: The Wireless Anatomy of Man & Its Function - A Course in Manipulative Therapy with Principles & Illustrations

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Summary of Principles

1. The soul is a unit drop of the ocean of the Eternal Spirit which is the dweller in the body as the knower, seer, and doer; it experiences all sensation and action. It alone is the power in the body which reacts to any mode of application of therapy or action. Consciousness and intelligence reside within the soul. Physical consciousness is a blending of the soul powers with the mind. It rules in the superior regions of the brain. Mind is a step-down of soul forces to act as an intermediary link between spirit and matter. Prana is a further step-down of mind energy.

2. Mind is the finest substance of matter operating in three bodies as three fields of consciousness:

The causal body is the pattern field of the mind; here it is the ideal or superconscious mind;

In the etheric and emotional field, mind operates thru [through] the senses. It is the normal conscious mind;

In the gross physical body, mind governs all involuntary functions and repairs. It operates as the subconscious mind.

3. Emotion is a blend of the mind and senses as a step-down current of mind energy. It is in the etheric realm of airy nothingness which rules the world and the individual desires seeking their fulfillment. These may be greater than the individual's capital of energy and capacity. This is an air-borne dilemma of pain, effort, sorrow and frustration.

4. Prana, "The Life Breath" is a neuter [neutral] current which knows itself not. It occupies the upper region of the body. As energy, it has an ebb and flow like the tides in nature. The centrifugal force of Manvantara [Manuvantara] (manifesting period) in the universe is the outgoing breath and the motor current in the individual life. It is an outer awareness equal to the daytime consciousness of action.

5. The centripetal force as the Pralaya period of the universe becomes the ingoing breath and the sensory consciousness, equivalent to nighttime and sleep.

6. The individual vital force is the negative pole or repository of both energies in the lower region of the body, the sacrum posteriorly as motor currents and the generative organs anteriorly as sensory currents. It is a crystallization of the pattern of consciousness and "The Eternal Principle of Life in the Seed," perpetuating itself in a microfilm style. It is the residual force which is the drive and stamina as the root of life. Everything external revolves around it. Perpetuation is the purpose and keynote of manifestation.

7. There are five finer etheric stages of vibrating qualitative matter known as tattwas [tattvas]; their extended lines of force manifest in curvilinear patterns of ovals (planets, eliptoids [ellipsoids], etc.). As the cell and the egg, they are the individual manifestation of life as the feminine principle in nature. Five oval cavities in the body are the basic fields for qualitative expression in organism thru [through] sensation and action. Sensory nerve fibres [fibers] act as antennas of the soul for concrete sensory perception and experience. There must also be a constant exchange and blending of the individual tattwas [tattvas] with the universal supply of solids, liquids, air, warmth, and


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.