Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in the Healing Art

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Polarity - Reaction

that has proved its effectiveness. But this should never be attempted without first giving the patient plenty of warm liquid to drink. Quantities of warm liquid, and pressure on the back of the tongue, induce a thorough and easy flushing of the stomach. This helps to release the spasm of the diaphragm.

A rigid diaphragm is the first and most vital block in Nature's economy and flow of the four elements and their natural, vital forces. Any treatment that releases the diaphragm is of the greatest value; however, the PERINEUM, AS THE NEGATIVE POLE (of the diaphragm), is a lock that also needs to be released AND POLARIZED at the same time. It is the opposite pole to the brain, the pole of intelligence. It is the unintelligent, erratic, insane pole of the body. This calls for further thought for therapy on the PERINEUM and its value as a balance treatment, to promote and preserve PROPER POLARITY, and help to release the diaphragm. THIS SHOULD NOT BE OVERLOOKED IN MENTAL CASES. Sitz baths that have proved of value in mental cases, worked because this principle of POLARITY was an aid to the brain, by drawing off congestion, away from the brain center.


Man's body has its magnetic or attracting field anteriorly, and its electric propulsion posteriorly. All the organs of perception, sense attraction, interest, including the sex organs, are situated in front. In back are the motor areas of heavy muscles for pushing, propulsion, expulsion and repulsion. The heavy gluteal muscles in horses act like pistons in pulling - a horse may fall on his knees, but still pull.

The senses attract us to many things, and lead us into temptation and trouble. A philosopher once said, "Get thee behind me, Satan - and push". There is more truth than poetry here, for we are literally 'pushed' into things before we realize it. Often do we exclaim, "How did I get into this situation?" The SENSES OPEN THE WAY, AND THE MOTOR IMPULSES OBEY.


When any one of the underlying natural energy currents becomes blocked by waste energy accumulating insulation at the negative pole and depolarizing the fields of attraction, then an interference results in any of the four physiological systems; namely,


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.