Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in the Healing Art

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The Four Elements Make the Zodiac in the Body

[See Book 1, Chart 4 and Book 1, Chart 5]


Let us note one more point; namely, the head of the circle and its sign (♈) Aries, the keynote to the triads, symbolizing energy pushing up from a neutral center stem and falling into two poles. It is the basis of all cell division () and the pattern of several organs of the body, such as the kidneys, the heart, the ears, the innominate bone, etc.

In summing up our treatise on the four elements in the body and the four rivers of life, let us see how this pattern has been duplicated in the body:

The four chambers of the heart, and their valves.
The rhythm of the breath - about 18 per minute - and that of the heart, which is about 72 beats - a ratio of one to four (1:4).
The four valves in the digestive tract; namely, the pyloris, the ileo cecal [ileocecal], the sigmoid and the rectum.
The four chemical mutations: The mouth - alkaline; the stomach - acid; the small intestines - alkaline; the colon - acid.
The four taste centers on the tongue: Sweet, sour, salty and bitter.
The four main areas in the spine: Cervical, dorsal, lumbar and sacral regions.
The four arthrodial[1], universal sockets that carry the body's weight and do its labor; namely, the two hip joints and the two arm sockets. These form a square in the body.

There are many other correlations which show the work of a pattern and a design in the energy field, building and maintaining the body in its functions.

The Prophet Ezekiel saw these energies in their function as a great vision, the 'Chariot of the Lord'. Exalted in spirit, and with great veneration, he described the beauty and intricate relationship of the workings of the four elements with each other as a WHEEL WITHIN A WHEEL.[2] He saw the symbolic picture of the cosmic man, Aquarius, the Waterman or Air principle in its function as an ENERGY FIELD; also a lion, the fire principle in action;

1 The hip and arm socket are ball and socket joints. "Arthrodial" refers to gliding joints, like the small joints of the wrist.
2 Ezekiel 1:15-18


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.