Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in the Healing Art

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When man, like the prodigal son, sees the folly of all the rounds of suffering, of pleasure and of pain, he summons up his will and desire, seeks the proper guidance, and concentrates his energy in the brain, at the root of the Tree of Life, from which his attention and desire originally descended. He then withdraws the attention of the mind and its downward currents, upward, to its Source, and conserves energy. It is then that this balanced energy travels up the etheric center of the spinal cord, in the pia mater, and lights up the pineal gland, the pine cone symbol of the ancients. And that is the real celebration of a hero returning home - "Christmas", or Feast of the Pine Cone - in the Father's House. It signifies an INNER BIRTH.

ENERGY TRAVEL: When the mind currents flow outward and downward and lose themselves in expenditures of sensations, eventually man comes to a state where the term "down and out" applies literally. Energy, like wealth, is a gift, and can be used wisely or foolishly. We are all born with a definite portion. The mind must be constantly watched, and can be trained. It is a waster, unless checked every moment. It must be guarded, or it leads us into all kinds of excesses and trouble. Still, we are responsible for it and suffer, even though we were deceived. Everything is around us (good and evil); what will we tune into? Like a radio program we tune in on, we are responsible for the noise as well as the good music. Can we select wisely, and can we tune out rubbish?

That is the KEY TO PSYCHIATRY. Can we direct our attention and concentrate on that which is really worth while, and which we want, or are we merely attracted by the glitter of sensation and show or craving? Have we, as being, learned Eve's lesson? Can we make the best of adversity and forge ahead by perseverance and concentration? Proper attitude is the key to psychology; like the little boy who fell down stairs, when mother brushed him off and sympathized with him, said, "That's all right, mother, I was coming down anyway."

WHERE DOES THE SOUL DWELL IN THE BODY? In the waking state, consciousness resides in the center of the forehead, and functions voluntarily, through the cerebrum, for all action and thought. As a perceptive agent, consciousness resides in the optic thalamus, gives light to the eyes, the look of intelligence to the face, and guidance to the feet and hands. In mystic language, the etheric center of consciousness between the eyes is called 'Tisra Til'. It is a two-petalled lotus of etheric white and gray substance.

WHAT HAPPENS IN SLEEP? Where are we? Consciousness or the


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.