Chart No. 1: The Caduceus
[See Book 1, Chart 1]
The wings of the Caduceus represent the two hemispheres of the brain. The knob in the center is the pineal body. The upright staff is the path of the finer energy which produced the center portion of the brain, noted by the rings and the spinal cord below it. This is the Tree of Life of the ancients.
The two serpents represent the Mind Principle in its dual aspect. The fiery breath of the Sun is the positive pole as the vital energy on the right side of the body. It was called 'Yang' by the Chinese, and 'Pingala' by the Hindus. On the left side of the body flows the cooling energy of the Moon essence of Nature. This was called 'Yin' by the Chinese, and the 'Ida' [irda] current in India.
These two currents cross over in each oval cavity of the body and change their polarity. Thus they flow in and out of each other constantly and produce alternating currents in their action. Positive and negative is their nature -- the 'yea' and the 'nay'.
The last open loop and that lower part of the staff is the Cauda Equina, the 'Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil'. It is situated at the end of the spinal cord proper, below the second lumbar vertebra.
The staff in the center portrays the hearth fire and the chimney, down which 'Santa Claus' descends and through which he returns to the Fountain of Energy above, after having distributed or deposited the gifts from the Source. Those who can understand this will realize that it is the secret of the stepped-down Sound Current of Spiritual Energy also known as "THE WORD" from higher regions, lost in matter and physical generation.
The serpent was chosen as the symbol of Mind Energy and Wisdom through experience in the Center of Consciousness where the downward and upward currents meet in the center between the eyes. This center is called 'Tisra Til' in India. It is the point from which man can direct his energies upward for his spiritual benefit, or downward for physical and material expenditure. It illustrates the exchange of energy flow between man's brain center and the Universal Energy; between man's mind and the Universal Mind and emotional energy waves manifesting as sun spots, as storms and upheavals in Nature.
Mind Energy is described in Genesis as the ONE RIVER which splits into four rivers. These are rivers of LIVING ENERGY CURRENTS which are stepped down into four primary POLARIZED pattern substances of an atomic fineness, which are the essentials of life to everything that breathes, moves and lives on earth. Vegetation, insects, animals and human beings need this substance and energy in order to survive and live. That is why man is