Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in the Healing Art

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resistant pole, matter, is not directly affected by mind. Jesus mentioned this fact when He stated: "If a man taketh thought, can he add a cubit to his height?"[1]

So the one Neutral River of Energy, Prana or Manna, flows out of Paradise, the Mind Essence or Energy space plane of 'Akash' [akasha, aakaasha] and divides into four states of Energy or qualities of matter which the ancients called 'Elements'. These are not in any way to be confused with the ninety-nine elements of matter in material science.[2] The ninety-nine elements of science are but branches and twigs on the Great Tree of Life, which is the interaction of Mind Energy on space substance or matter in its finality.

In the human body, Mind Energy flows over the brain and the nervous systems and becomes animated Intelligence, Feeling, Perception, Consciousness; the root of all the senses and the Awareness of all sensations in and through the form of Matter.

The human body is a part of space, as a form of Matter, and must be constantly kept in touch with the greater element of space which is Nature as a whole, or it perishes. The energy rhythm of Life must be kept moving through every part of it or it suffers, as well as its four polarized varieties of this element, embodied in four states or kinds of matter, as elements of:

1. Heat, warmth - Energy
2. Air, oxygen - Gas
3. Earth, solids - Food
4. Water, liquids - Beverage

There are four large cavities in the body over which these four polarized energies flow, and organs which act as transformers of these currents, and step down the intensity of the field. These organs also act as converters of energy, extracting from solids, liquids, gases and heat energy what the body needs for its own fuel and sustenance in order to keep fit as a unit of expression of Mind Energy and Space Substance; but mainly to keep in tune and rhythm with the Universal Field of Nature through the finer and coarser mediums of exchange.

The river that carries the Life Principle and the other modalities of currents and substances as food and nourishment in the body, is the blood stream. That is why the ARTERY RULES SUPREME IN NATURE, with or without the action of Consciousness, or Cerebral Function.

SOUL IS CONSCIOUSNESS; 'PRANA' IS LIFE; MIND ENERGY IS A NEUTER [neutral] meeting ground between Soul and Matter. These forces must be understood and balanced in all rational therapy, so they can operate freely.

It is stated in the Holy Bible: "The life of the flesh is

1 Matthew 6:27, Luke 12:25
2 There are now 118 recognized elements.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.