Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in the Healing Art

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Our newly found speed is no comfort in itself, for it has its many fatalities, and our progress is no solace to our minds nor does it bring security. On the contrary, like wealth, it brings with it more worry and insecurity. Caught in the wheels of Nature's relentless grind, we must go on - faster and faster. Why? Can man go from the rim of this wheel of speed to the center and find rest? The choice rests within each person, whether he likes the surface and the show, or the depths and the simplicity of things. Do we really want to understand things as they are, or merely as our personal interests and attachments want them to be? Can we learn and perceive totally unbiased, or only as we wish, will and choose?

Creation: Even the finest type of energy field that we call Spirit Essence, in its immensity, slows down in vibration and velocity of intense speed on its surface, where the speed is less and the concentration of energy is less in proportion to the square of the distance from the center.

1 - These slowed down energy fields, because of their different rhythm and speed, are eventually separated from the Parent Unit and become units or orbs, revolving around the Parent field or Source.

2 - This separating process goes on in each definite intensity of vibration or plane of energy fields. The Superior or Source supplies and rules the plane or energy field that emanated from it and is one step further down in density and materialization. Our sun and planets went through the same process.

3 - Mind energy creates patterns of infinite variety on the highest mind field, called the Superconscious or Causal Plane. That pattern is stored within every little energy field of matter that we call a seed; and only because of this fact can it be evolved out of it.

Soul is the inner energy field, the Doer, and Witness in the field of Consciousness; it is also the Perceiver. All creation takes place in space; so there is the other factor of form and form life, which we call Nature. The Mind Principle is the mold and pattern (the cookie cutter) that stamps forms out of space, or rather in space (the dough).

'Prana' of the Hindus, as well as the mysterious Manna of the Hebrews, is the mystic link or neutral common denominator between these two opposite poles of Mind energy as the Molder, and Space energy as the resisting Material, Matter, or Earth element in its finality. 'Prana' is the life breath. It is the vital energy in man.

Mind action is too swift to act directly on matter. Even in intelligent beings, if all thoughts took shape at once as they flowed, it would spell ruin and disaster. Also, the


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.