Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in the Healing Art

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forms and maintaining them. The original creation, written of in Sacred Scriptures, started the process, set the pace and patterns which - like the planets - have been revolving in those orbits ever since. Time is measured in 'yugas' or solar cycles, or revolutions of creations around their source, their center of gravity or orbits of travel. In science, we speak freely of light years, but in reading mystic writings, like the Bible, we assume a day of creation to be our present twenty-four hour day! We have not oriented ourselves to read the facts of Soul Life and to interpret them as energy cycles of various speeds. Our daily thinking does not even measure up to our standard scientific conception of energy fields, their speed of travel and the flow of lines of force in units of energy forms.

Patterns are mind energy fields. Life is built on the pattern of the cell, the unit, which in aggregate makes up the individual unit or being. Each type of energy has a vibratory speed and wave length which determines its function and affinity to other similar units of energy functioning in the body, or outside in the cosmos.

The center of any energy field (the neutron or nucleus, etc.) is the life and light of the sphere of action around which the energy particles revolve and give it a solidified appearance. In each field are locked up mysteries of beauty as supersonic sound waves and transcendental displays of light waves, as chromosomes and rays of color that mortal eye has not yet seen. Only mystics speak about these things, and we think them mad; but we speak glibly about light years, as though that were nearer to us and a fact in our lifetime.

Thought Wave Review: Mind energy is the finest form of matter. Thought energy flows in waves and is far from being individualized. We merely tune into a good, accepted, popular, safe wave, and take a free ride and call that knowledge. Our choice and selection is limited to surface volume; we are as afraid of depths as the Ancient Mariner was of falling off of the earth at the end of the sea.

We assume that those in the past could not possibly have had an idea of the cleverness of the present age, but we cannot understand them when they tell us in their writings about energy fields which we are just beginning to become aware of. The importance of our life is all external; theirs was a deeper perception of the energy fields within, that make up this phenomenon of solid matter. In their contemplative life, the ancients had time to concentrate their energies, to penetrate the shell of things and find the kernel in finer energy fields. While we, in our haste to go far and fast, travel on the surface waves, in circles, and find no rest for our souls, no solace for our heartaches and the many problems that beset us, nor even the answer to our physical sufferings.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.