Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in the Healing Art

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Small energy fields must be constantly supplied with energy drawn from larger universal fields, or they perish. It is a bond of attraction that keeps them bound in mutual relationship and orbits of travel or well being, in relation to their source of supply or universal energy field inside or outside.

The physical body of man is not as independent as he may imagine himself to be. Man is dependent for every breath of air, on the larger volume of the atmosphere; he is dependent on water or liquids from Nature; also food for nourishment; light and heat; and human love and understanding. Like Manna from heaven, none of this can be stored in the body or it would choke it up. It must be gathered fresh every morning and throughout the day, with every breath. Liquids and foods replenish the body, while ideas renew the mind in its sphere of individual action, and keep it in rhythm with the universe. While love and devotion link man's conscious being inside, back to its eternal Source of all Being.

These are some of the stories Ancient Wisdom has recorded for us in the language of mysticism, if we can read them and interpret them to our everyday life and use.

The story of the creation of man is also written in a secret symbolism, to preserve it for those who can read with understanding. The practice of symbolism was used even in the New Testament, for it is recorded of Jesus, "He taught them not except in parables".[1] St. Paul said, "He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear,"[2] etc.

Sacred and secret writings of the past were founded on an inner awareness of energy flow within the body, which we call man. They tried to share this wisdom with posterity in the form of symbolism, parables, and myths. Some of this knowledge dates back to an age when man was a superior being and had not yet fallen into the finality of involution in matter.

What comes down, must go up, and vice versa. If there is an evolution, there must be an involution before it, even if the ages are too far apart to be recorded by history. Time is not an important factor in the endless process of Nature's working. It is the process that is important, for that endures and goes on everywhere within us and around us if we can but see and perceive it, or hear its inner rhythm of transcendental sound as supersonic waves. It is the "Music of the Spheres" and the "Song of Life" itself, in the heart essence of all humanity.

All human beings have this capacity, if they will wake up out of the dream of sense life and indulgences and, by attention and interest in the finer energy fields, come into their natural heritage as children of God.

In order to understand man, let us trace some of these energy fields in their everyday process of creating individual

1 Mark 4:34
2 Mark 4:9, Matthew 11:15


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.