Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in the Healing Art

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energy, this principle of function and rest holds true everywhere. It is the law of periodicity or cycles in Nature, or waves in motion.

Mind Energy works in definite patterns. The centers of pattern fields are alive, elastic, expansive, radiating energy in definite orbits. As they progress toward the outer rim, particles lose energy exactly in proportion to the square of their distance from the center.

Energy Wheels, spinning as molecules and atoms and individual units, create a reality for themselves in the vast expanse of space, like bubbles in an ocean. On the surface of these energy fields, whether large or small, they meet the resistance of space which contracts upon them and slows them down further to crystallization. This is called surface tension in the molecule. It is by this process that hard shells and exteriors are formed, like the earth's crust, skulls, the shells of nuts, eggs, etc., to confine and protect the soft and ever-expanding interior energy fields. Shakespeare cleverly stated this process of Nature in a few lines, in his "Romeo and Juliet", discourse by Friar Lawrence:

"The earth that's nature's mother, is its tomb.
What's nature's burying grave, that is its womb."[1]

The Greeks understood Nature and utilized this fruitful field for their inspired myths and dramas.

Yang was the term used by the Ancient Chinese for this ever expanding male principle. Yin was the female principle of contraction, concentration and resistance. These twin forces operate in all created forms, for without these two factors, neither function nor perpetuation of forms would be possible.

Currents of energy are constantly at work or play, flowing out of themselves and into each other in their fields and patterns. This process maintains the functions and forms of life.

Small units of energy fields draw their supply of energy from larger units or orbits to which they are attuned, because these are their home, source or parent fields. Dissolving units are again absorbed as free energy particles by the source or larger units. This is the sequence of cause and effect, involution and evolution, birth and death of forms, health and disease.

Our sun and other planets and their orbits have an oval design or spherical shape in space. This similarity is shared by the humble cell, the dew drop, the molecules, atoms and whirling electrons. Our physical body is also built on this plan: It has five oval shaped cavities which are created by whirls of energies that also maintain the function in this space, linking it to Nature, the greater world outside, for its supply of energy - embodied and solidified mediums of various density and called air, liquids and solid food substances.

1 Act 2, Scene 3.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.