Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in the Healing Art

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Life is a mystery. It is a spiritual essence of energy. The outflowing breath of the Infinite One, the Unknown Creator of all, is the centrifugal energy in Life in general. All was created by this process of HIS WORD of Spiritual Sound Essence, reverberating throughout endless space. "God spoke". The Superior supports the inferior.

All life below that High Spiritual Realm is maintained and supported from that Central Energy, the supply house of all living, moving and breathing things. That ray of Spiritual Energy is the very life of our sun which in its turn radiates energy of warmth, expansion and growth to all creatures and things on earth. That Central Unknown Energy from on high is the vital energy and consciousness in man, animals and all vegetation. In man it whirls as 'chakras' or centers in the etheric substance of the cerebrospinal axis, as the pivot of all bodily functions. The life energy flows from within, over each sub-station [substation] and energy center for conscious and subconscious function in man and in the cosmos, to supply the small and the great Universes.

Whirling energy forms centers of concentration and flows from them outward as a positive or a negative charge, in relation to the other centers of action. This is 'polarity' or attraction and repulsion. The inner centers are the dynamic, attractive energies which draw from the storehouse of Nature and adapt that substance of energy to their own use and functions of the body. IT IS IN THIS MANNER THAT WE KEEP POLARIZED WITH THE COSMIC FORCES OF MATTER.

Every blade of grass has the power to attract what it needs from the earth, the water, the air and the warm sun rays, to make its own vibratory pattern in life. All life - vegetable, animal and human - shares alike in this provision of these four polarized energies in their flow. It is the Unseen Energy of the Wheel of Life as the 'cross' or 'Swastika', whirling in action in space substance, which gives the phenomenal appearance of a single unit in action. It was known to the Kabbalists [Kabalists] as 'Tau', the Sacred Cross of Life.

Forms: Centers of energy are essential for creation of forms and their operation. It is essential that energy be concentrated and work according to definite patterns and designs, or exhaustion would take place. If a stone is dropped in a pond of still water, waves radiate outward from the agitated area until that impulse of concentrated energy is exhausted.

Concentration of Mind and Energy are essential for the preservation of function in form. Even Nature, with its vast store of energy, cannot endure constant expansion or expenditure. A good thunderstorm seldom lasts throughout the day. If Nature cannot endure without seasons, rest and change, how can man accomplish anything without concentration and restoring his depleted energy fields? Whether this be soul energy, mind, emotional or physical


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.