Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in the Healing Art

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A Perspective Viewpoint of the New Energy Concept of the Healing Art

The physical anatomy of man is the accepted foundation and starting point of nearly all the healing arts today. Such a concept rests upon matter, the gross product, rather than on the fine energy currents which wove the pattern of the body and which continue to animate it throughout life. The general practice today is grossly physical rather than atomic in its principle and application. The idea of energy fields in action through physiological functions, according to the finer lines of force and mind energy patterns, is not yet generally accepted. But we all know that there was a psychological, WIRELESS ENERGY prior to existence of the physiological and material one, otherwise it could not function through it.

This is precisely the way life starts in this world and it is so stated in the Holy Scriptures. Out of the finer Essence of no thing, all was created. Every seed is a unit of life in itself, locked up as a mental pattern in each seed according to its kind. A chicken egg becomes a chick, a turtle egg hatches out as a turtle, etc. The actual life cycle of any living being starts out as a psychological process of ENERGY LINES OF FORCE which are liberated as positive energy from the male seed and as negative energy from the female seed. These are the vitelline substances or centers in the egg.

In human life this cycle also starts at conception as a polarizing energy principle by the union of the male and female prior to the birth of the child. Hence birth into this world is not the beginning of this unit of life called an embryo in the mother's womb. But birth is the finished pattern of this unit, when it is ushered into the world where it should act and express itself as an intelligent being.

This life pattern began by the energy current flow in the male spermatozoon and in the female ovum center of vitelline jelly substance, like a thread in a shuttle which travels forward and backward to weave the most wonderful fabric of life, called the human body! The pattern of the body was supplied by the mental and vital energy of the parents, according to their kind and stature. Of course, heritage goes back much farther than that, and much more is involved, but this is the general rule.

However, the soul which inhabits this body is a unit of consciousness from another sphere, of much finer Essences. If it were not so, it could not maintain itself as a unit later, when fully matured. And children are different from their parents and from each other, in every family, even though the physical pattern may be the same. Each incarnating soul or entity brings with it a design of life, of its own, by which it differs from others.

The polar essence of the biological energy current upon


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.