Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in the Healing Art

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Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Award" 2012


It is obvious that most doctors are eager for new techniques in order to obtain better results with treatments. But, as you all know, many tools do not make a good mechanic. A true artist does wonders with a brush. The skilled workman understands his problem, and everything flows smoothly for him. He seems to make but little effort and gets excellent results. The person who does not know the "how" or "why" of his problem, labors hard, perspires freely and still does not succeed - even though his tools are many and the preparations are elaborate. The expert violinist produces tone qualities that no mere routine motion of the bow on strings can accomplish.

Skill rests in understanding. Man's internal gravity lines are his energy patterns. These are as definite as external gravity. We are either aware of this and succeed, or it passes us by - no matter how hard we try. Therefore, it is essential that man be understood before we attempt to treat him. Humanity is at the top of creation, and the most mysterious problem in the universe. For this reason it is essential that we learn all about the constituents and forces that go into the make-up of this living being and form. It is for this very reason that we are delving into the very depths of the foundation of the creation of the human race, in the first part of this course.

Originally, I started out to give a course on Perineal Technique, worked out from practical experiences. Why it worked so effectively at times and upon what principles, was still a question. In making further research and burning midnight oil, I finally found the answer, but its roots went as deep as life itself. These principles were arrived at by searching for a common denominator that could explain the practical results which were obtained.

In order to properly understand PERINEAL TECHNIQUE, it is necessary to first understand the mysterious workings of the Sympathetic Nervous System. This is also called the vegetative nervous system because it is based on Man's relation to Nature. This mystery was symbolized by the Caduceus, the emblem of the ancient physicians, and is even used today; but its meaning has been forgotten. THE PSYCHE OR SOUL, the one active principle in the wings of the Caduceus, functioning through the upright shaft as Mind Energy, is an important factor. Mind and 'Prana' constitute the life force as the ONE RIVER. There are four rivers of energy flowing out of it, supplying the four body cavities and their organs.

The psychological functions and their inter-relation to lines of force and patterns working in the body and in Nature, are through the mind and senses. From this foundation of the actual energy fields in operation, we deduce the principles operating in the human body and used in this PERINEAL TECHNIQUE and other techniques. It becomes the basis for determining a definite


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.