Book 1: Energy - The Vital Polarity in the Healing Art

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In this age of over specialization, with emphasis on chemistry, bacteriology, and mechanical and surgical research, we have lost sight of the over-all [overall] picture of man as a living being with lines of force working in fields of finer energies. These lines of force constitute his real being, and operate in and through the body in a continual exchange of new energy, replacing depleted energy fields and used materials as well as worn out tissues.

Research in atomic energy and the corresponding new viewpoint on matter prompts a re-orientation of the healing arts, in conformity with these modern discoveries. In this WIRELESS ENERGY FIELD, ancient and modern science can meet. The present can be enriched by the experiences and understanding of the past, even as civilizations are built upon previous civilizations.

Miracles and psychic healing are not dealt with in this course. It describes a rational therapy, with a wider range and a finer perspective of the actual energies operating in the body, as its keynote. The attention is directed to the "dweller" in the body, as the Soul or Nucleus, in relation to the form; and to both of them in their relation to Nature or the Universe as a whole. All this brings out a new concept of Health and Disease, according to individual lines of force of attraction, repulsion and relationship of patterns and lines of stress and strain in the field of energies, before crystallization in the body as material obstructions, distortions or disease is evident.

The finer energies in the body constitute its breath of life, by which the soul functions in and through the body. Normally the rhythmic flow of the life breath controls all functions of the body, as the Inner Center of ceaseless attractions and expulsions.

In illness and disease the energy relationship in this River of Life and its fields is disrupted and needs to be re-established. When the body is in good health there is a natural balance and relationship between the breath of life and its conveyor, the blood stream as a fluid, and its rhythmic beat through the central pump called the heart. There are really four polarized energy currents at work here, flowing through the four chambers of the heart, like the four rivers out of the One River of Life in Paradise, the center or home of the finer and higher energies of the life breath.

There are three animating principles activating the blood stream as the chemical river of life in the human body. They are energies of the cosmos, by which man breathes and lives as a soul in human form. These same energies also operate in all vegetation and in animal life on this earth:

1. The fire energy of the sun is the warmth and expanding principle of motion in all living things.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.